Thursday, February 26, 2009

Soooo...For Real?

Remember that little happy group of brothers that sang about candy coated rain drops? The ones Heavy D discovered and had dancin' around on roller skates in JW outfits with mini-afros?

Well one of them is on the run.

Brian Dalyrimple (of the group Soul For Real), is allegedly on the run with his 10-month-old son after being linked to a case of identity theft that involves more than 200 victims. The victims, according to police, are now out of more than $1 million collectively as the result of identity theft and financial fraud...

Click here to read the entire story.

Btw, does anybody remember JW Stores? They had at least 3 in every mall back in the early 90's. They sold really cheap men's clothing that would fade and fall apart after washing them. They had deals like 4 pair of jeans for $40....nope, doesn't ring a bell? Oh, how do I know so much about it? no reason...nevermind.

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