Thursday, October 15, 2009

Random Quote: Sean Price...

Sean Price is one of the realest rappers out, there's no denying it...he's the epitome of grimey, gully, hood, etc. XXL recently interviewed him about his upcoming mixtape Kimbo Price and album Mic Tyson, his unwillingness to get involved with rap politics and a possible reunion with some old rap friends. They also asked him about life after rap and of course his answer was nothing less than real.

XXL: Since you’re growing tired of the politics of the rap game what’s on the horizon for you after these releases?

Next year you might find me workin’ in Costco or some shit. I’m dead ass serious, ’cause I don’t got money like that to retire and fall back on a yacht. People might say, “Yo, man, you supposed to be here and blah blah.” Yeah, I’m supposed to be but guess where I’m at? Costco. Now don’t get it twisted, I’m not starvin’ and I’m good, but I don’t give a fuck about pride. My kids can’t eat pride so as long as I take care of my family I don’t give a fuck.

*Applauds* That's the type of attitude you're suppose to have when you have mouths to feed. There are a lot of "men" out here that have a warped sense of entitlement and feel like they're too good to do certain things. Hate to break it to you bum ass fuckas ....NOBODY OWES YOU SHIT. If you have kids, turn off the video games, get off your ass and go flip burgers if you have to. Whatever it takes to provide for the human beings you helped bring into this need to do it. I don't even have kids and I've worked some pretty shitty jobs, mainly while I was in college. All because I wanted to get a piece of toilet paper college degree. So if you have kids to take care of there's really no excuse. Movin on...

There's not a lot of upcoming mixtapes/albums that I'm excited about, but I'm anxiously awaiting Kimbo Price and Mic Tyson. To read the rest of the interview and to see what Sean P has to say about a possible Fab 5 reunion head over to XXL.

BtwI just felt like posting this video. Talk about a posse cut...this shit was crazy.

Fab 5 (Heltah Skeltah & O.G.C.) - Leflaur Leflaur Eshkoshka

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