Beanie Sigel - What You Talkin' Bout (Jay-Z Diss)
Beanie Sigel's Interview On Charlamange Tha God’s Radio Show
Beanie Sigel's Interview On Charlamange Tha God’s Radio Show
Usually when two friends, brothers or business partners have a falling out both people tend to have played a role in it. One person usually plays a bigger role than the other, but at the end of the day there are usually things that they both could've done differently to prevent their issues. I definitely think that's the case with this current situation between these two former "friends". So I'll take a moment to address where I think both of them went wrong...
But before I go in, lets get a few things straight. I am a fan of Jay's music and have been since '96, back when most people didn't even know who Shawn Carter was. I bought Reasonable Doubt the week it came out...how many current Jay-Z fans can say that? I said that Jay was one of the best rappers out back when people were only naming 2Pac, Biggie and Nas. Now I just wanted to put that out there before any of you supposed "hard-core" Jay-Z stans try to call me out for hating. Movin on...
The ROC Boys...
First off, there's Jay-Z, a selfish bastard who's all about himself and I don't believe the words friendship, loyalty and family exist in his vocabulary....all in all, he's the epitome of the modern day American businessman. Look, the man shot his own brother over some gold rings back in the day. If that's what he'll do to family for some bullshit ass gold...I'd hate to see what he's capable of when it comes to millions of dollars and his "friends". Despite all of that, I don't think Jay did Beanie Sigel or any of the other former Roc-A-Fella artists wrong to the point where they should be blaming him for their lack of success. But, I do think that Jay is at fault for some of the backlash he's receiving from Beans.
Then we have Beanie Sigel, who's a Percocet & Xanax pill poppin', sizzurp drinkin, weed addicted fuck up who can't manage to stay out of prison long enough to capitalize off of any of the opportunities given to him. Beans is a goon and the very same things that made his music so appealing and believable are the same things that contributed to his inability to be successful as a businessman and an artist. Ultimately, I feel as though a lot of the things that he's complaining about in regards to Jay were a direct result of his own immaturity and the street mentality that he was and still is unwilling to loosen his grip on. I believe that he has a reason to be upset with Jay, but not for the things that he's crying about to the public.
Politics As Usual...
I know a lot people will say "business is business" and most of the disgruntled ex-Roc-A-Fella artists shouldn't blame Jay for their lack of success. I completely agree with that 100%. My only problem with Jay is that he often gave off the perception, to the public and apparently to his artists, that his relationships with these artists were based on more than business. Roc La Familia anyone? He went out of his way to present these people as friends and damn near family. For that reason and that reason alone, I think a lot of those artist expected Jay go above and beyond for them when shit hit the fan...like family would, or should I say like family is supposed to.
"Honor (honor),
Trust (trust),
Respect (respect)
Devotion (devotion),
Friendship (friendship),
Karma (karma),
Team (team),
Us (us),
Silence (silence),
(c) Beanie Sigel - Intro to "I Can't Go On This Way"
Trust (trust),
Respect (respect)
Devotion (devotion),
Friendship (friendship),
Karma (karma),
Team (team),
Us (us),
Silence (silence),
(c) Beanie Sigel - Intro to "I Can't Go On This Way"
I truly believe Beanie when he says that this isn't just about money. Notice I said "just", because I feel like if Beans was currently successful he wouldn't be goin' so hard at Jay. Don't get me wrong, I think he would still have problems with him, I just think he would be handling them in a different way. If it was just about money I think he'd be talkin' more about Dame, especially when you consider everything he's said about Dame in the interviews. Some people say Dame is irrelevant so nobody would care about what he would have to say about him. Obviously Jay garners more attention, but to say nobody would care is dead wrong. Anybody who was a fan during the days of "The ROC" would be interested in hearing the intricate details of Dame's dirty dealings and how they contributed to the fall of one hip-hop's most successful and influential dynasties. Anywho, if you've followed the ROC from day 1 and you really listen to the "diss" and the interviews you can tell that Beanie Sigel's feelings are hurt. This isn't just the run-of-the-mill disgruntled rapper hatin' because he's no longer in the spotlight or he's looking for a handout. Most of this stems from the anger and disappointment of a friend who feels like he's lost a friend...or better yet, wonderin' if Jay was ever his friend to begin with.
Unfortunately for Beans, I don't think he ever really paid attention to the fact that just as Jay was an artist, he was also a CEO and a businessman. With that said, being an executive at a label that you own and being an artist on that very same label never really works out for the other artists on your label. *cough* Diddy *cough* As an artist you tend to build a sense of comradery with your labelmates. Then as an executive you also have to make decisions that are best for your company and this typically involves the fate of your labelmates' careers. As a result, I feel like there's a crossroad the you'll eventually come to and you'll have to make a tough decision.
"I put friends over business end of the day though,
But when friends, business interests' they dough,
Ain't nothing left to say though,
I guess we forgot what we came fo',"
(c) Jay-Z - "Lost Ones"
But when friends, business interests' they dough,
Ain't nothing left to say though,
I guess we forgot what we came fo',"
(c) Jay-Z - "Lost Ones"
Decisions made in favor of the business will more than likely affect your friendships and vice versa. The situation is an inevitable catch-22 because regardless of how mature your labelmates/artists may be, it's damn near impossible for them to not catch feelings when you make business decisions that negatively affect them. Beans said in the interview with Charlamagne Tha God, he understands that Jay is now in position where hangin' out with the him isn't in his best interest. If only he had that level of understanding a couple of years ago, because I don't think it's ever been in Jay's best interest to hang out with Beanie Sigel.
What Ya Life Like...
So when the judge asked Jay-Z if he'd be willing to be responsible for the whereabouts of Beanie Sigel, Jay said "No" and Beans was hurt. WTF?! Isn't this Roc La Familia? What happened to...
"If every nigga in your clique is rich your clique is rugged,
Nobody would fall cause everyone would be each others crutches"
(c) Jay-Z - "Feelin' It"
Nobody would fall cause everyone would be each others crutches"
(c) Jay-Z - "Feelin' It"
Based on those lyrics Beans probably had no doubt in his mind that Jay was going to "Yes" without any hesitation. Beans is a street dude and he was expecting Jay to act as if he was a street dude and even more, act like he was his guy, his friend, his family and vouch for him. Because of the way Jay presented himself to Beans, the rest of the crew and (through his music) the world, I think most people would've initially expected Jay to vouch for Beans at the time.
"So, don't believe everything your earlobe captures,
It's mostly backwards, unless it happens to be as accurate as me,
And everything said in song, you happen to see,
Then, actually, believe half of what you see,
None of what you hear, even if it's spat by me"
(c) Jay-Z - "Ignorant Shit"
It's mostly backwards, unless it happens to be as accurate as me,
And everything said in song, you happen to see,
Then, actually, believe half of what you see,
None of what you hear, even if it's spat by me"
(c) Jay-Z - "Ignorant Shit"
I don't think Jay could've made it any clearer. I think Beans was thinkin' of Shawn Carter the hustler from Marcy Projects with the GS Lexus, the stash box and the .45 on his waist. You know the guy that Jay-Z talks about in his raps? Sorry Beans......off to that 8X12 you go. At that point you weren't dealing with that guy and to be honest I don't know if that guy ever really existed....at least to the extent that Jay-Z would like us to believe. Despite everything he rapped about in the booth from his "hustlin' days" as Shawn, outside of the booth he was Jay-Z the CEO of a record company, part-owner of a clothing line and ultimately a businessman. So in accordance he said "No". Now, if that scenario had been an interlude on Beanie's album he would've most definitely said "Yes"....too bad for Beans they weren't in the booth.
If Beanie Sigel and everybody else looked at Jay in the same light as Jimmy Iovine, Lyor Cohen, Russell Simmons or Clive Davis, I don't think him saying "No" would've been an issue. Would you expect any of them to be responsible for the whereabouts of one of their artist who's a drug addicted felon and a potential flight risk? I didn't think so...nobody would be sayin' Lyor Cohen ain't real or Clive Davis is a snitch. Oh, but I forgot Jay's from the street, he was a drug kingpin, he has a code that he lives by, he's real....get the fuck out of here! Maybe if your 16 years old you believe that....hell, when I was 16 I did. In all honesty I think Jay was about as gangsta as your average kid growing up in the projects. The funny thing is that whether or not Jay's past is fabricated really doesn't matter at this point in his career. If it was proven today that he was nothing more that a weed carrier for Calvin Kleine and DeHaven while growing up, 99.9% of his fans wouldn't give a shit. I know I wouldn't. Just look at Rick Ross, he's been exposed for being a correctional officer and he's still selling.....and he doesn't have half the stans that Jay does. Sorry Beans, I know the street code that Jay rapped about sounded believable and back in the day he might've lived by it, but he was no longer in the streets.
Friend Or Foe...
So Jay doesn't vouch for Beans in court and he doesn't write or visit him while he's incarcerated. I think it's safe to say that based on his actions, that Jay wasn't Beans' friend...but that doesn't make him his foe either. So should Beans be upset with Jay about anything? Yes and No. From Beanie's perspective him and Jay were crew, best friends....family. I have no doubt in my mind that during the ROC's prime years, if anything had went down Beans would've been the shooter for Jay at any given moment....not the doo-rag model we all know as Memphis Bleek. Which is sad because I think Jay knew that and ran with it. I'm sure in Jay's mind he felt like him and Beans were cool, but that's it.....just cool. I don't think he made it clear to Beanie Sigel or the other artists that Roc-A-Fella records and the whole Roc La Familia thing was strictly business....nothing more, nothing less.

"Read between the lines of ya eyes and ya brows
Ya handshake ain't matchin' ya smile,
Unh unh, you ni**as foul,"
Ya handshake ain't matchin' ya smile,
Unh unh, you ni**as foul,"
(c) Beanie Sigel - "I Can Feel It In The Air"
I think the only thing that Jay-Z's guilty of is presenting a false sense of family to some of his artists. To Jay, The ROC was basically like a TV sitcom or a soap opera. While the lights were on and the camera was rolling they were all one big family. But as soon the camera's were off Jay went back to the real world and focused on moving beyond his starring role in a hit television series. For most of the artist on the ROC, they didn't even know that they were even being filmed. Jay's scripted show was their reality because while Jay was rapping about the life of hustler, they were still out there living it. Which brings me to my next point...
Wanted (On The Run)...
Beanie Sigel couldn't let go of the block, the thug mentality or the self-destructive behavior that he rapped about. In and out of jail, on and off of drugs, still out in the streets...Beans was more concerned with being a thug than becoming a successful businessman and rap artist.

"Beans I ain't tryin to change you - just give you some game,
to make the transition, from the street to the fame"
(c) Jay-Z - "Blueprint (Momma Loves Me)"
to make the transition, from the street to the fame"
(c) Jay-Z - "Blueprint (Momma Loves Me)"
The self-destructive attitude/behavior often displayed by underprivileged individuals all across America tends to come from a sense of hopelessness and desperation. Beanie Sigel was put on by Jay "Muthafuckin" Z....any sense of hopelessness or desperation should've been thrown out the window right along with his self destructive attitude/behavior. But naw son, fuck that! "You gotta keep it real". The sad part is that some people actually believe that. But in all honesty, when you're put in a position like Beans was, what are you keepin' real? You're no longer in a position/environment were that mantra or frame of mind is necessary or beneficial.
That's the problem with a lot of the men today, young and old...everybody wants to be the tough guy. Look, I'm no bitch...far from it, but once you become an adult, a grown man, a husband, a father you have responsibilities and you have to be held accountable for your actions. Beans was put in a position to better his life and his family's and mainly due to his actions, or lack of, he isn't where he wants to be in life at this moment. Well...cry me and everybody else a motherfuckin' river Beanie Sigel.
"Is this what success is all about?
A bunch of niggas actin' like bitches with big mouths"
A bunch of niggas actin' like bitches with big mouths"
(c) Jay-Z - "Success"
I know some rappers that if given the opportunity to work with Jay-Z, they would flip that shit five ways from Sunday (I have no clue where that sayin' came from, maybe I just made it up). Matter of fact I can think of one person who did...the name Kanye West ring a bell? Not to mention that unlike Beans, Jay didn't even fuck with Ye' like that at first. But Ye' used his affiliation with Jay to make himself...he didn't wait or expect for Jay to make him. Beanie Sigel needs to dead all this crying about how Jay could've done more to ensure his success. Hey, if you can't blow up as a rapper with Jay-Z backing you, it's not meant to be....just ask Bleek.
As far as the his other random complaints....
"He wouldn't let me out of my contract"
It's a contract...you signed it. Remember it's business and at this point you should've figured out you two weren't that cool. Remember he didn't vouch for you to get out of prison? You said it yourself that you realized that he wasn't your guy at that point. So why did you think he was gonna let you out of a business contract? Not to mention, the only reason you wanted out of the contract was because you weren't selling and you got an offer from 50 to come over to G-Unit...and we all know that Jay and 50 are BFFs.
"Those two Bentleys weren't paid off, I had a note close to 5 g's a month"
I take it the words "No thanks" escaped you at the moment? You should've told them "I can't afford that shit" and went out and bought a fuckin' Altima.
"The Young Gun's were gettin' $1,200 a show while touring with Jay"
I'm sure Jay told them how much they were going to make per show before they went on tour and obviously they agreed to that amount. At the end of the day that's what managers are for.
Ain't No Love...
At some point Beanie Sigel thought him and Jay-Z were BFFs. I can see how he might've thought that because of some of things that Jay may have said, but actions speak a lot louder. Over the years Jay showed him that their relationship was strictly based on business. While Jay's lack of concern for a relationship beyond business may have been a disappointment, Beanie Sigel has to remember that Jay was not his father, he was not his brother, he was not part of his crew that he grew up with and he was not his parole officer. Jay-Z was Beanie Sigel's labelmate and his boss. That's IT. As for his current situation regarding his career, Beanie Sigel just didn't handle HIS business. As for Jay...
"I'm not lookin' at you dudes, I'm lookin' past ya,
I thought I told you characters I'm not a rapper,
Can I live? I told you in ninety-six, that I came to take this shit and I did,
handle my biz, I scramble like Randall with his,
Cunning-ham but the only thing runnin' is numbers fam,
Jigga held you downsix summers 10 albums...damn, where's the love?"
(c) Jay-Z - "Heart of The City (Ain't No Love)"
I thought I told you characters I'm not a rapper,
Can I live? I told you in ninety-six, that I came to take this shit and I did,
handle my biz, I scramble like Randall with his,
Cunning-ham but the only thing runnin' is numbers fam,
Jigga held you down
(c) Jay-Z - "Heart of The City (Ain't No Love)"
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