What's funny is that...
...this song was hot shit back then despite the fact that Al really couldn't sing or dance, this song was over-saturated with unnecessary random squeaks and laughs, and he had 3 eyebrows. A lot of people call it a uni brow by default, but a uni brow is when both eyebrows connect to make one continuous "brow". Mr. Sure clearly had a brow for his left eye, his right eye and a separate brow for his nose...3 eyebrows. Well I guess the middle one would technically be a nose brow...is there a name for that? Hmm...tribrow? Okay back to the song...
Al B. Sure - Get Off On Your Own (Girl)
Throughout this song he just randomly says shit like "oooh", "hee", "woo", "haha" and around the 2:27 mark he just goes into a "hee, hee, woo, haha" frenzy.
As if the "ooh hees" weren't enough, Al's former flame pisses him off to the point where he completely loses his cool...
"What's up with that? You got me on hold? What, you think you dope on a rope?....Nope!!! What, I'm suppose to sweat you? You suppose to just run all over me? Zero!!! On the strength..."
Did you really have to go there Al? You cold Al, you cold...now, any of you ladies wanna play Al after hearing that verbal ass whooping?
Didn't think so.
...and then there was the video.
So what's Al up to nowadays?
He's currently a DJ on Los Angeles radio station HOT 92.3 (KHHT) playing old school and R&B, on weekdays from 10am - 1pm. Mr. Sure is also rumored to have a new album, Honey I'm Home, which is supposed to be released sometime in 2009 (keep your fingers crossed).
Oh, btw does anybody remember his version of Roberta Flack's "Killing Me Softly"? Yeah he remade it...it was pretty bad.
Update: Apparently Al B. wasn't too involved in his son Quincy's upbringing....so Quincy decided to write Mr. Sure a public letter. Click Here to read it.
1st: Tri-brow is hilarious.
2nd: I forgot this nicka was signin' in a castrated falsetto...I can't even understand what the dude is saying ANYWHERE but the damn chorus. It sounds like wombat sex through the verses...
LMAO @ castrated falsetto and wombat sex...I was trying to figure out how to describe his voice but that pretty much sums it up.
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