The Game - I'm So Wavy
He decided to record the diss track because of a line from the Blueprint 3 intro where Jay says he's "not talkin' bout Game", Dame Dash or Jim Jones anymore. He was simply sayin' he's done with the so called "beefs" that exist with those individuals...it's old, it's over and done.
But The Game is so damn lame and hungry for attention that he took the line "I ain't talkin' bout Game" as Jay-Z actually "talkin" about him in a negative way and ran with it. Talk about diggin' a hole, this guy is burying himself...seriously. I almost feel sorry for Jayceon Taylor because he's just a talented bi-polar lame with no sense of direction musically. Somehow he's managed to stay afloat all this time...but his lameness seems to know no boundaries. I can't take it anymore, but we all should've seen this coming...
4 Signs That The Game Was and Still Is A Lame...
1.) He Tries Too Hard To Look Scary...

Hey Jayceon, tone it down, we get it....you're a thug. Btw there are a lot of guys walking around with smiles on their face, wearing button-up shirts, pleated Dockers and Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes that will beat the livin' shit out of a lot of these so called "thugs" walkin' the streets. So the angry screw face look really isn't necessary.
2.) He Was On The Dating Show Change of Heart...
Somewhere in-between cooking crack rock and doing drive-bys The Game, then known as Jayceon Taylor, found the time for love. I mean everybody already knows about this but I find it funny that the hip-hop community gave Jayceon a pass on this, but crucified Officer Ross.
Wow! That was gangsta...for a second I thought he was gonna kill everybody in the audience.
3.) He Got A Tattoo of a Butterfly on His Face...
Okay, I'm not a thug, I'm not a killer and I've never claimed to be one (okay maybe when I was in 7th grade but that was because of Menace II Society and Snoop's Doggystyle....plus I was out in the suburbs where it was okay to be a fake gangbanger). With that said I would never get a damn butterfly tattooed anywhere on my damn body...wtf do I look like? Mariah Carey? But you're a retired crack dealing Blood from Compton and you go and get a butterfly tattooed on your face? Really?

Back in 2007 The Game went on the Funkmaster Flex show and told Flex and his listeners that he fingered Vida Guerra at a party at Jamie Foxx's house. The fact that a 27 yr old man was bragging about fingering a woman was completely childish and quite possibly the lamest shit I've ever heard on the radio. Then Funkmaster Flex didn't make it any better by dropping bomb sound effects every other minute and asking for details like he was 13 yrs old.
Click here to listen to The Lame talk about fingerin' Vida.
If I didn't know any better I would've thought that The Game was still a virgin. But the fact that he has a son lets me know he's had sex at least 1 time. What grown ass man, let alone a celebrity, is that excited about fingering a woman? I don't care who she is...Halle Berry, Keri Hilson, Christina Milian, Kim or Kourtney Kardashian. Okay I'm lyin' I would be extremely excited about all of them, but I wouldn't be all on the radio bragging about it...that's so lame and immature. I'd just put it in my tell all book, Confessions of a Bloggin' Man Whore: These Fingers Aren't Just For Typin'...
You did it again Doza....FRICKIN FOOL! And I think you are right on all counts. Who gets a RED star on their face? Who wants to be that ugly? Oh...a lame who wants to show how tough they are....I gotcha.
*this me listening and typing live to the Vida Guerra tape*
Wait a minute...how lame is Funkmaster Flex for screaming and hollerin at that. Are you serious? I think he's a virgin too.
'Game what are you doing?' Dang did you finger RAPE her at the party?
OMG! Are you serious did he really get this detailed? You are teachin men how to finger girls now? Is this really sex ed class dude? *vomit*
Oh yeah and this song DOES SUCK!
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