You can't sit here and tell me that Kelly Rowland doesn't have enough money to buy a mirror and on top of that, she doesn't have one real friend. I mean c'mon. That's like being part of one of the most successful female R&B groups ever, then having your best friend who happens to be the lead singer leave you behind to pursue a solo career, while you make music that deaf people don't even wanna listen to. *tumbleweeds* *random cough*
Can you ladies please explain to me, what in the hell is the fascination with spending a shitload of money on fake ass hair that looks worse than your real hair? Where did this lacefront shit come from? I mean you can clearly see the glue outline...she might as well had used office tape. Seriously, what would you think if you saw a guy with his hair taped on his damn head?

*sigh* Since they didn't make one for women with terrible wigs I guess this will have to do...
Mr. Really Bad Toupe' Wearer
Just take everything they're saying and apply it to women wearing these busted ass weaves and wigs. Btw I miss those Real Men of Genius/Real American Heroes commercials by Bud Light.
LMMFAO at the tape around your hairline LOL. . . . this isht is COM FREAKIN LARITY
Did you really put tape on your head? Really? Is that what's hot in streets?
She didn't have elmers glue. It is a bad lace front that was not properly blended into her hair line (my best friend does hair). But yes it does look a flamin hot ass mess. It looks like she took fake plastic barbie hair and sat it on her head. Wasn't she the one rockin the short hair for all them years? Go back to that Kelly!
I love that look for you Doza!!! lmao
doze! this is fckin HILAAAAARIUM!
LMAO!! OMG most def one of your best...
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