For those of you who don't know, Maker's Mark is a whiskey...one that me and my brothers usually drink with ginger ale. A lot of people consider it an old man's drink....and with that said, Maker's Mark Music is old music.
It's that music that your parents and/or grandparents would put on while they were cleaning the house on Saturday mornings. It's the music that probably came out before you were born, but you can still relate to it. If you've ever heard the phrase, "Back then you had to be able to sing to get a record deal", this is that music from back then. Back when the beat and the music played the background and the singer's voice carried the song...not the other way around.
Anybody that knows me, I mean really knows me, knows that I'm an old soul in a lot of ways. My father played this music constantly when I was growing up, and over time and a variety of life experiences I've grown to truly appreciate it. I clean up to this music, I drink to this music, I drive to this music, and I used to smoke to this music (just ask D or Tense). A few years ago, all I needed was a perfectly 'freaked' Black N' Mild , an ice cold MGD and some Blue Magic playin'...and all was right with the world.

Man, I don't remember the first time I heard this song, but I remember the first time I actually listened to it. My father was cleaning up early one Saturday morning when I was 12 and he threw on Blue Magic's Greatest Hits. It's not like this was the first time he'd done it, he'd been doing this same Saturday morning routine every since I was old enough to remember. But around this time I was feeling a little down, long story short - I was in the 7th grade and I had just discovered that my 8th grade girlfriend was a whore...womp, womp. So after listening to Brian McKnight's "One Last Cry" for the 82nd time, I was in search of a new theme song. In comes "Three Ring Circus"....

Damn, if didn't feel like the clown they were describing in this song. I mean I wasn't in love or anything, but due to the circumstances (which were kind of fucked up) I was still pretty hurt. I didn't let anybody know and I just acted like I didn't give a shit....no big deal...everything's cool. But in the word's of Pharrell "I was just frontin'".
That very same day, once my father was done cleaning up, I took his CD and listened to Blue Magic's Greatest Hits from beginning to end without skippin' a song. That shit was and still is one of my favorite albums of all time. I must say, I'm thankful for that whore....if it wasn't for her I might not have truly discovered Blue Magic as quickly as I did.
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