Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Drake - Forever...

feat. Kanye West, Lil Wayne & Eminem.

I said it before and I'll say it again...Em bodied this damn song. I swear this is the Eminem that should've been rapping on Relapse. Anywho, people can talk about Jay all they want, but I don't think there's a rapper out there that wants it with Em.

Hype Williams directed the video. Ummm I hope Hype isn't still charging a $1,000,000+ for his videos because they damn sure don't seem worth it anymore. But then again were they ever really? Not knocking him artistically...that's just a lot of damn money.

Btw you really should have this already...
Drake - Forever Ft. Kanye West, Lil' Wayne & Eminem


serena_love said...

This video SUCKS! Shoulda let ye direct it lol.

Doza said...

Yeah, for a song that has some of rap music's biggest names this video was a complete fail.

Signas82 said...

Epic fail, but yeah Em is a beast.