Monday, November 16, 2009

These Are The Gangsta Killers...

...according to an article in GQ's upcoming Man of the Year issue. Supposedly, Wale, Drake and KiD CuDi are responsible for killing gangsta rap and as a result, they've been named "the Gangsta Killers". Well, I'm going to have to disagree....for 2 reasons:

1.) Gangsta rap isn't dead. Maybe in the sense of N.W.A. "F**k The Police" it's dead, but it's still around. It's just not getting as much shine as this whole tight, nut-huggin' pants wearing hipster fad that's going on right now.

2.) If gangsta rap was dead, these guys wouldn't be the murderers. Kanye West & Lupe Fiasco birthed a lot of these new cats. Yeah I know there were others who influenced them, but those two played major roles in shaping their styles.

If you want to read the paragraph that GQ wrote about the "Gangsta Killers" go and buy the magazine...the "article" was garbage.

Side Note:
I rock with Drake, but isn't that the jacket Vin Diesel had on in XXX? Nope, I think I got it...'s the same jacket Akbar aka Wolf had on in The Education of Sonny Carson.

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