Monday, February 16, 2009

Random Quote: Kanye West

Last week Kanye talked about The Blueprint 3 on Sway and King Tech's "Wake Up Show."
"I finished his album and he released four songs that were potentially gonna be on the album, so I gotta go back and do four. I just did one beat the other day in Hawaii — probably one of the best hip-hop beats of all time, if I do say so myself. I just gotta do three more beats and we're done, 'cause he's got classics. He's got songs that are better than any of the things you've heard leaked."

"You know what it was — every year I do two albums' worth of really dope beats, this year, Common did his album with Pharrell, and I did 808s & Heartbreak and Blueprint 3. So just imagine the caliber of beats on the last two Common albums I did — Jay-Z has those types of beats. Those caliber of beats. A beat like 'The People,' that's the highest caliber of beat."

If this was anybody else I would call bullshit...but it's Ye' and he's earned the right to be arrogant about his production. I will say that by calling this The Blueprint 3, the bar for this album has been set pretty high. Especially since The Blueprint was 10x > The Blueprint 2.

(via MTV.)

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