Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jay-Z Covers XXL...

In the upcoming October issue of XXL magazine Mr. Carter discusses his reign as President of Def Jam records, compares himself to The Beatles and also talks about how he'd beat Jesus in an arm wrestling match because he's God MC Jay-Hova. Oh yeah, he also responds to the criticism he's received in regards to his first single off of The Blueprint 3, "D.O.A."....

“I’m not hating on young people. Like, when people say that, I’m like, What are you talking about? It’s just stupid. I’m not hating on young people… I’m not Bill Russell, [saying] Michael Jordan ain’t shit. I’m saying Lil Wayne and Kanye are like LeBron and Kobe. My job as someone at the forefront of the game is to leave it in a better position than when I came in. Same way that Russell [Simmons] left it to me. ’Cause this thing saved my life. Literally. So I have a responsibility to it karmically. And after that it’s on you. I did my part. I made ‘D.O.A.’ I said it. I made the statement. I made the push. Here, y’all take it from here.”

I never felt like Jay was hating on young people in "D.O.A.", I actually think he was hating on one person in particular....but I'll go more into that in an upcoming post. Anywho, to read more excerpts from the interview go to

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