Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome To Chicago Drake...

So Drake was here in Chicago for a performance this past Friday at the House of Blues. For those of you who aren't familiar with Chicago, the House of Blues is located downtown. I'm sure you've heard about all of the violence in Chicago. Well, it usually takes place everywhere but downtown...except for this past weekend.

By now you've probably heard that Drake's show was ended abruptly when a fight broke out during his performance (check out the clip above). Shortly afterward, a man was shot in the ass less than a block away.

So of course I have a few things to say about all of this...

1.) Hey Drake, it's possible this may have been out of your control, but being 3 hours late to a performance is never a good look.

2.) The thing you're doing with the your right arm throughout your performance is Kanye's move. It's cool though, I just wanted to point that out.

3.) On Drake's first mixtape Room For Improvement he unofficially remixed Lupe Fiasco's song "Kick, Push".....and Lupe talked a lot of shit about him. So who do we have on stage pulling Drake back at end of the clip? It's none other than I'm gonna ride Drake's dick because he's hot now Lupe Fiasco.

4.) Out of all the songs that Drake performed, you lames chose to kick it off during his performance of "Best I Ever Had"? Really?

5.) On "Ignorant Shit", Drake said "Cuz them hipsters gonna have to get along with them hood niggas".....ummm not so much.

6.) Drake started talking shit and moving towards the edge of the stage when the fight broke out. Next time just be cool....why?

Because this is Chicago. I live here, and unfortunately, some really bad people live here as well. The type of people who kill men, woman and children and don't think twice about it. Yeah, I know those type of people exist in every city in America, but they seem to be more prevalent here than in other cities. For instance, last year 314 soldiers were killed in Iraq....509 people were murdered in Chicago. Don't believe me go here or look it up yourself. With that said, when shit jumps off and somebody from Chicago tells you to fall back...fall back. Seriously, wheelchair Jimmy was television...but wheelchair Drizzy could be a reality.

7.) Lastly, I really hate the fact that I've seen footage of Drake performing in various cities across America and hadn't heard of any violent incidents...until he came here. All in all, hopefully he'll return to Chicago and he and those attending his concert will have a more pleasant experience.

P.S. Stay classy Chicago.


serena_love said...
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serena_love said...

I found out why he was late...on of all things...Briana Latrise's blog. Do you know who Briana Latrise is? She's the chick who punched the f*ck out of Charles Hamilton lol.


I deleted my other comment cause I didn't want to look like I was cluttering up ur comments and look at that my name still shows lol. Oh well.