Monday, March 2, 2009

Random Quote: Rosario Dawson...

Rosario Dawson was recently interviewed by TMagazine (which is the New York Times' Style Magazine) and she talks about some of the roles she's played, her family and sex...

“My mom told me so much about sex at an early age that she scared me: I didn’t have sex until was 20. I got into trouble at school because one of my friends said, ‘‘Lesbians do it with straws.’’ I said, ‘‘I can tell you how lesbians do it, and there are no straws involved!’’ But I think all that talk of sex put me off. The first time I had it, I think it was in a head-to-toe rubber. I was terrified of getting pregnant. My mom was planning to get an abortion when she was pregnant with me."

"She was at the clinic waiting for her appointment and she felt me move in her stomach. I always tell her it was probably gas. I thank God for gas.”

She's amazing. If I ever met her I'd probably choke up and go into Ron Burgundy - Anchorman mode and say something stupid like,
"You have... an absolutely breathtaking hiney. I mean that thing is good. I wanna be friends with it."

Go to TMagazine (New York Times) to read the entire interview.

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